
Monday, November 12, 2018

Day 4!

Dear SJA Parents,

Morning Assembly

We corrected and marked all of the questions in their math review. The concepts that will be covered in tomorrow's unit test will be: measuring time and distance, counting money, making change, measuring mass, volume and relating capacity with volume. 

The students worked on the next task for their Science Fair experiment. The students completed the 'procedures' part of their project, and the students also worked on interpreting the results to their experiments. The students will begin to create their own individual project boards tomorrow.

Refer to blog site

Refer to blog site

The students worked on their Spelling Word List #9. Their spelling test will be on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14.

Grade 4 words objective: to spell words with consonant digraphs

TIP: two consonants together that make a completely new sound – can be anywhere in a word
Ex. Sh – sharply, foolish
Wh – whiskers, wheat
Ch – chicken, reaches
Th two sounds – thunder or bother

Grade 5 words objective:  to spell words in which au and ow spell the aw sound

TIP: au and aw sound alike – spell the aw sound you hear in hawk and pause

- Study for unit math test tomorrow. Complete math homework on money and change.

- Spelling Book Word List #9 due Wednesday!

- Complete Knowledgehook questions, due tonight.

- Read for 20 minutes.