
Friday, September 28, 2018

Day 6!

Hello SJA Parents,

What's the scoop in Room 14? Let's check it out!

Orange Shirt Day!!

We learned a new lesson on multiplication facts. We learned the terms Factors and Product. Please review these words with your child over the weekend.

This is the page from the text which the students need to complete over the weekend for practice:
Complete #1 to 8
The students created their final copy of Norval Morrisseau's artistic style in terms of colour in his artwork. Their finished work will be posted in our classroom bulletin board! 

Refer to blog site 

Refer to blog site 

The students read a book titled Stolen Words by Melanie Florence which depicts a story about a little girl who sets out to help her grandfather find his language again. This sensitive and warmly illustrated picture book explores the intergenerational impact of the residential school system that separated young Indigenous children from their families. 

The students were assigned a non-fiction text to complete over the weekend. The questions will now be posted on the class blog every Friday and the students will need to use a line piece of paper to put their answers in. 

Complete multiplication table and page 49 #1-8 on the text 
Spelling test will now be on Monday, Oct. 1st
Go on Raz-Kids and complete comprehension sheet 
Go on prodigy and practice your math skills

Thursday, September 27, 2018

First Nations People of Canada

Come in to school and wear an orange shirt with the proper school pants, socks and black dress shoes.

Learn more about First Nations people of Canada and residential schools: 

Day 5!

Hello SJA Parents,

We had a fun-filled day as we ran for the Terry Fox Foundation. The entire school raised a grand total of $4,343.30 for the Terry Fox Foundation, amazing!!! See photos below.

On your marks.. get set, GO!
The Terry Fox Run cut into our math class time, so we used this time to play a fun trivia game called Kahoot! The students were so engaged in applying their skills of adding or subtracting 3 to 4-digit numbers.

The students had to answer the multiple choice questions

Here are the top winners! Yahoo!
The students continued to learn about the different tribes that exist in the Subarctic and the Eastern Woodlands region. We learned about Norval Morrisseau's art from the Anishinabee nation who's art expressed so much of the nation's way of life and the stories that were passed on from generations to generations. Here are some examples of his art:

The students were assigned a task to think of a story that they've known growing up and to draw out their favourite character/scene from the story. 

Refer to blog site

We continued working on our International Day project using the school's Google Chromebooks for research purposes. Parents are able to visit on October 4th from 2:30pm to 3:15pm and view our class' project on Japan!

Wednesday, September 26, 2018


Please come to school in your full gym uniform.

Learn more about Terry Fox: 

Day 4!

Hello SJA Parents,

We had yet another busy day in Room 14!

The students learned a lesson on using mental math to subtract 4-digit numbers. Check out the challenge questions posted below to help further your child's knowledge and skills with this concept.

Refer to blog site

Refer to blog site

Refer to blog site

We learned a new lesson on the First Nations People of Canada. Please have your child visit the website:   in order to compete the rest of the worksheet that they've received today. We were able to use the school's Chromebooks for the first time and took notes on the different tribes between the Eastern Woodland Region and the Subarctic Region. See photos below:

The students continued to work on their International Day project and they had the opportunity to work in their small groups. We will continue to work on the project tomorrow!

Complete math homework
Complete UOI worksheet- due Friday
Study the words for the Spelling Test- Friday
Go on Prodigy
Read for 30 minutes

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Day 3!

Hello SJA Parents,

Quote of the day: 
The students had the chance to use class time to work in class with adding 4-digit numbers and to apply this into solving word problems. The students were then assigned a double-sided worksheet as a supplement for the lesson learned yesterday and today. See review notes below:

Since the Terry Fox Day is right around the corner, we talked as a class about who Terry Fox was and the incredible work he left behind of helping find the cure for cancer. The students looked at the route of exactly where Terry Fox started his journey and where he had to end his run. The students were then asked to write in their journal book regarding this journal question: Heroes inspire and motivate us. Write about your hero. Why does this person inspire you, and how have they affected your life? 

For more information of Terry Fox's movement in finding cure for cancer, visit:
Tomorrow is the class' quiz on the 7 Physical Regions of Canada. Use this map to help guide your child (in addition to their Canada map) to study for tomorrow's test:

Music & French:
Refer to blog site 

We continued to read Anne of Green Gables as a class and the students had in-class time to work on their novel study package for Chapter 6 and 7. We will continue to work on our International Day project tomorrow! 

Parents, please refer to your email titled "Classroom Updates/Reminders" for more information on what is going on in our class and the school! 

Monday, September 24, 2018



Note: We still comply to the peanut and nut-free school environment.

Day 2!

Hello SJA Parents,

We are back and ready to begin a whole new week ahead of us!

This morning, the students learned two strategies that they can do when using mental math to add 3 to 4-digit numbers. Compensation and Adding On are two strategies that the students learned when finding the sum of two numbers. We also reviewed adding three 4-digit numbers and finding the sum for all of the numbers altogether.

The students continued to work on their physical regions package and we met our new student from the Oakwood Academy who is now integrated in our classroom during our UOI class time. We were very excited and thrilled to have him join us today!

The students also had the time to pick a region of their choice, three natural resources that can be found within that region and to write a purpose as to how that resource can be used. The students were able to apply what they've learned from the presentations that happened last week.

Refer to blog site

Refer to blog site

The students worked on their Spelling Books and completed page 10 and 11. The students will continue to work on them at home until Wednesday upto page 12. The new word list will be for the Spelling Test this Friday.

Complete math worksheet
Study for Physical Regions Quiz on Wednesday, September 26
Complete page 12 on Spelling book by Wednesday, September 26
Study for Spelling test on Friday, September 28
Go on Prodigy for Math!
Collect money for Terry Fox Foundation

Important Dates:
Wed, Sept 26 CASUAL DAY
Thurs, Sept 27 TERRY FOX RUN DAY

Friday, September 21, 2018

Prodigy: Math Online Game

Attached in your child's agenda is a sheet with their username and password for Prodigy. Please follow through with the steps on how to sign in.

What is prodigy?
Prodigy is a free, Pokemon-style math that has been proven improve student scores and confidence! It is aligned to the Ontario curriculum grades 1 to 6, and features content from each of the five major strands.

Prodigy was designed with three primary goals in mind: 

1. To create deep engagement so students double their math practice time at home.
2. To equip teachers with reports and assessment tools to inform their instruction.
3. To provide curriculum aligned content for free, regardless of a student’s demographic.

One of the biggest benefits of Prodigy is that students can access their Prodigy account from anywhere. Parents can also be involved by creating a free Prodigy account.

You can access the game at 
Here’s a tutorial that explains how to use the game:

I hope to see everyone on Prodigy this weekend!

Day 1!

Hello SJA Parents,

Whats the scoop in Room 14? Let's check it out!

We took up the homework sheet from the night before and the students corrected their work together as a class. We ended off the class with a fun group math activity where the students had to either add or subtract from their 'allowance' amount in order to find out at the end what their new balance is.

See photos below:

Since we have finished with the physical regions presentations, the students had time to fill-in their notes for each physical region and complete their work. The students also completed their Canadian provinces, capital cities and territories test. 

The students used this time to continue working on their research for International Day about the country Japan. The students learned how to site legitimate sources properly. 

Cancelled- moved to next week Wednesday. 

Reading Buddies:
Cancelled- moved to next week Tuesday. 

1. Complete math worksheet
2. Go on Raz-kids over the weekend and complete the comprehension sheet
3. Go on Prodigy over the weekend and start the game 
4. Bring gym clothes on Monday
5. Collect money for the Terry Fox Foundation
6. Return signed Math Unit 1 Test on Monday 

The students took home three forms for after-school programs next month. See copies below.


Thursday, September 20, 2018

Day 6!

Hello SJA Parents,

I hope to see you all at the Welcome BBQ Event after school!

We started a new lesson on estimating and calculating to find the sum of 4-digit numbers. The students learned about why it is important to estimate the sum first, before doing the calculations.

Refer to blog site

Refer to blog site. GREGG LE ROCK FORMS ARE DUE SEPT 21!

The two groups presented the last two physical regions of Canada which we explored altogether as a class.

The Canadian Shield 

The Cordillera Region 
The students then coloured a map with all of the seven regions and coloured each region differently.

We ended off our UOI block with a review activity for tomorrow's test. The students engaged in a small group activity where each member had to answer questions pertaining to Canada's provinces, capital cities and territories.

The students had library time in Mrs. Hayward's class! See photo below.

1. Complete math homework on addition
2. French trip form due Sept 21
3. Review for tomorrow's test on Canada's provinces, territories and capital cities 
4. Read for 30 minutes and have parents sign the Reading Log sheet 

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Day 5!

Hi SJA Parents,

We had yet another busy day in Room 14, let's check it out!

The students completed their pre-assessment test for Unit 2: Whole Numbers. We will begin our first lesson tomorrow.

The students continued to present in their groups for the physical regions of Canada. We learned about The Cordillera, The Arctic and The St. Lawrence Lowlands. 

Refer to blog site

Refer to blog site

The students worked on our International Day project on J A P A N. The students were put into small groups to research about a topic given to them.

Please see photos below: