
Thursday, November 8, 2018

Day 3!

Hello SJA Parents,

Throughout the month of November...

The students received their Unit 6 Measurement Review which they will need to complete over the weekend and we will mark the questions together as a class on Monday. The students will have their unit test on Tuesday, November 13. 

The students conducted another round of trials for their Science Fair projects. The students continued to make detailed observations about their experiments. The students will continue to check off the tasks completed in their Science Fair package.

Refer to blog site

As part of our learning, the students watched a video on how poppies were made. We looked at where they originated from and which young Canadian soldier created a poem titled, "In Flander's Fields"

For more information on the poppy... please watch below:

The students completed their Lesson 8 word list spelling test. The students continued to work on their Inference sheet on "Long-Distance Show and Tell." We will correct it together as a class on Monday.

1. Complete Unit 6: Measurement Review Package- Unit test on TUESDAY!
2. Complete Remembrance Day Word Search
3. Wear gym clothes to school on Monday
4. Bring $2 for Casual Day on Tuesday
5. Complete Raz-kids reading comprehension and read over feedback from the teacher in the folder

Other Important Reminders: