
Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Day 3!

What's the scoop in room 14? Let's check it out!

We went over the homework questions from last night and the students were able to participate in a math game activity. The students applied their mathematical skills on multiplying digits and competing against their peers. See photos below:

The students continued to work with their partners for the summative task project. The students used books from the library to help support their research about the province that they have chosen to look at. I encourage all parents to have a conversation with your child and ask them interesting facts about a Canadian province that they are working on. Their answers might surprise you!

Refer to blog site

Refer to blog site 

The students polished their International Day project and we have worked together as a class to help decorate our classroom into everything Japanese related! We can't wait to explore other countries tomorrow!

All parents can come by in our classroom starting at 2:30pm to 3:15pm and learn everything that we have learned about the Japanese culture!