
Friday, October 19, 2018

Day 1!

Hello SJA Parents,

Quote of the day:
The students continued to work on their math review for the upcoming unit test on Tuesday, October 23. They reviewed concepts such as compensation, adding on, multiplying and dividing numbers. The students then worked on adding, subtracting, multiplying and estimating quotients which they will need to take home and complete for the weekend. Remember to... SHOW YOUR WORK! 
Read the Helpful Hint!

Show your work!

When estimating, make sure to round the numbers to nearest hundred.
We reviewed the Scientific Method together again today with its six processes: Question, Hypothesis, Materials/Procedure, Observation, Results and Conclusion. After reviewing it together, the students were formed into small groups and we conducted an experiment together as a class on vibrations. The experiment was titled Rubber Band Guitar where the students have to observe when they pluck the rubber band strings on the tissue box. The students were scaffolded with what to think about and for each process, students were given the appropriate words to use when starting their sentences. A couple of questions that students needed to think about while conducting the experiment were: What did the rubber do when you plucked it? Did you feel movements(vibrations) in your other hand (the hand holding the box?
Quick review of What is Sound?

Student is filling out his chart

Small groups are working together

The students then watched a video after filling out their experiment sheets with an episode from the children's TV series Magic School Bus which is about a group of students in Ms. Frizzle's class that took trip to a Museum of Sounds. The students are then needed to fill-out the sheet pertaining to the video:
Reading Buddies:
The students read to the SK students for 15 minutes which was a great opportunity for the students to pair up and learn new words from the older grades.

Refer to blog site

Students completed their spelling test for Lesson 5 Word List. We then continued to watch the rest of the video for Magic School Bus. The homework from yesterday was collected and will be returned to the students on Monday.

Action Star Board:
We have two new action stars on our board this month--
Anthony and Bosco.  Let's keep showing kind and caring actions Grade 4!!