Hello SJA Parents,
We had yet another busy day in Room 14!
The students learned a lesson on using mental math to subtract 4-digit numbers. Check out the challenge questions posted below to help further your child's knowledge and skills with this concept.
Refer to blog site
Refer to blog site
Refer to blog site
We learned a new lesson on the First Nations People of Canada. Please have your child visit the website: https://firstpeoplesofcanada.com/ in order to compete the rest of the worksheet that they've received today. We were able to use the school's Chromebooks for the first time and took notes on the different tribes between the Eastern Woodland Region and the Subarctic Region. See photos below:
The students continued to work on their International Day project and they had the opportunity to work in their small groups. We will continue to work on the project tomorrow!
Complete math homework
Complete UOI worksheet- due Friday
Study the words for the Spelling Test- Friday
Go on Prodigy
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