We had a great start to our week! Here are the details of what we did:
We started a new lesson today on creating patterns using Input/Output machines. We discussed as a class the meaning behind input/output machines and the operation that is taking place when they graph the numbers.
Unit of Inquiry:
We started with our first Unit of Inquiry on Canada's provinces, territories and regions. We talked about what we know about our country Canada and what makes our country unique. Here are some of the students' input:

We also worked on writing postcards to share with our parents tonight so the students can have pre-discussions about what makes our country so beautiful and unique!
The Spelling books were handed out today and the students were able to get started on doing the spelling words activity which are due on Wednesday in order to prepare for the spelling test on Friday, September 14.
Please have your child bring the following signed forms if they have not done so:
- Student/Parent Handbook Form
- Phys. Ed busing form
- Sibling pick-up form (if it applies to the student)
- Bring BBQ food order form (if it applied to the student)
Things to do this evening which should be outlined in their agenda:
- Complete both sides of the math worksheet
- Complete math text pg. 10-11 #1, 3, #4b and #5a
- Complete French homework
- Complete Spelling book p. 8 finish the section under "Proofreading" only.
Have a good night and I will see you all tomorrow!